SEI Paediatric Refraction and Fundoscopy Service

The service provides refraction (eye examination) for children of all ages.

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  1. Overview
  2. Support available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service


The service provides refraction (eye examination) for children of all ages.

This includes children with a range of specialist needs, including mild, moderate, and severe learning disabilities.  

The service has a clinical pathway set up for patients with Down Syndrome. This has been developed by a Paediatrician, a senior Optometrist, and an Orthoptist.  

This makes sure that children with Down Syndrome are screened appropriately, and at the appropriate age, for common eye problems found in this condition. 

The visual fixation system (a device to help clinicians examine patients with a learning disability) was developed by an Optometrist in the team.  

Support available

Patients with special educational needs and disabilities are more likely to have problems with their eyes.  

It is important that the service is accessible and appropriate for patients with learning disabilities. 

Reasonable adjustments are made to all parts of the patient pathway and the service will work with you to make these where possible.

Please contact the service to discuss what adjustments are needed. 

Who can access the service

No specific referral criteria, or diagnosis is needed to access the service.  

It is based on there being a clinical need.  

Patients with a learning disability are flagged with a VIP alert.  

How to access the service

Referrals are made via the GP.