Preparing for adulthood
Preparing for adulthood
How you will be supported to prepare for adulthood
Preparing for changes to your education, health and care services when you turn 18.
Moving to adult services
Preparing to move to adult social care, adult health services and post-16 education.
Making your own decisions
Making decisions about your future, expressing your views, and support if someone doesn't have the ability to make their own decisions.
Education, training and employment
Planning for future education, training and employment.
Friendships, relationships and the community
Friendships, relationships, taking part in activities and staying safe.
Transport and travelling independently
Travel and bus passes, learning to drive, Motability Scheme, and Blue Badge parking.
Good physical and mental health
Diet and physical activity, mental health and annual health checks.
Housing and living independently
Types of housing, equipment and changes to your home, paying bills, support with personal care.
Guide to preparing for adulthood
How to prepare for adulthood from the ages 14 to 25 (known as the 'preparing for adulthood pathway').