Attendance and exclusions
Attending school is an important part of your child's day-to-day life.
It helps them to build social, organisational and learning skills.
You are legally responsible for making sure your child attends the school they are registered with.
Schools usually check attendance twice a day through their own registers.
All schools and academies must have an attendance policy, which is usually published on the school's website.
Authorised absences
If your child needs to be absent from school, for example, for an medical appointment, you must contact the school to agree the absence.
This is usually in writing, so the school can "authorise" the absence.
Unauthorised absences
If your child's absence is not authorised by the school, this is classed as an "unauthorised absence", and this may be referred to the Council for further action.
For more information about attendance, please see South Tyneside Council: School attendance.
Support to attend school
Your child's needs may mean that they are likely to be absent more often, or they may need reasonable adjustments to manage their attendance.
Speak to your child's Head of Year, or the SENCO to discuss this.