Education funding for children and young people with SEND
Mainstream schools / settings
Schools / settings get £4000 per year for each child / young person that attends the setting.
An extra £6000 is available for each child / young person with SEND. This funding can be used by the school / setting as they wish.
Top-up funding (high needs funding)
Some children / young people in mainstream settings may need more support than this budget allows for.
In these cases, the school / setting can apply for additional 'top-up' or 'high needs' funding from the Council to support their needs.
The amount the school / setting get will depend on the child / young person's needs.
Top-up funding is regularly reviewed and assessed to make sure it is supporting the needs of children and young people. See the top up funding impact form.
Schools / settings can apply for top-up funding for children with or without an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
If an EHCP is in place, top-up funding is reviewed on a yearly basis in line with the Annual Review.
If no EHCP is in place, top-up funding is agreed for a set period to target areas of difficulty.
Schools must complete a Costed Provision Map to show how their funding is being used to support the pupil:
- when they apply for an EHC needs assessment
- as part of an annual review, or
- if they apply for additional funding for pupils.